Al Pastor Pico Pork

We’ve started a new journey with Hello Fresh! We were introduced to the concept of this meal prep company through Mary Anne’s brother, Mark. He would give us a few meals when they were going out of town and forgot to skip the shipment for the week.

We went with five meals for our first week and started with the Al Pastor Pico Pork.

Lessons Learned:

  • Reduce heat to medium to ensure meat cooks all the way through

  • When in doubt, use a thermometer

  • Buy a smaller pot to cook rice in

  • Read the directions carefully!

It turned out pretty good with the exception of Mary Anne undercooking the pork a bit. Joe said the pork came out “medium well,” but preferably we’ll probably cook it a little longer next time. Also, we accidentally misread the instructions and adde…

It turned out pretty good with the exception of Mary Anne undercooking the pork a bit. Joe said the pork came out “medium well,” but preferably we’ll probably cook it a little longer next time. Also, we accidentally misread the instructions and added the pico to the pan sauce so ours didn’t come out as colorful as the inspiration image. It didn’t ruin the dish, but we missed out on getting those crispy or light flavors.

team JPMA