
Video Gallery


The proposal

Here is a video summary of our first trip to the Philippines together with a special surprise near the end. Here, we met more of each other’s families and got to explore our roots even further. We traveled to the beautiful island of Boracay. Here was where He asked the Question and She said Yes! Enjoy the video and encourage you all to come visit the beautiful Philippine Islands.

Flag Football

Birthday Greetings

Joe and one of Mary Anne’s best friends, CJ, surprised her on her 26th birthday with this greeting.

Mary Anne and her roommates tried to surprise Joe with his friends for his 20th birthday.

For Joe’s Grandma’s 80th birthday, we interviewed a couple of their family members who wanted to wish her warm greetings.

meeting “us the duo”

Take a look at our Meet and Greet with one of favorite artists/couples. We have been following US the Duo since the beginning and they are definitely worth the listen!


Here is a funny little video near the start of our relationship. You know what they say, “Once your added to the Wii, you know things are getting serious..”

This slideshow was created in memory of Mary Anne’s Father, Manuel Matel.