Call for Wedding Photos & Videos!

We weren’t planning any type of formal celebration for this small milestone, but ironically enough one of our homies, Kellie Corbett, decided to have her birthday dinner at The Hunt Room below The Cavalier. This is the same venue we took our wedding…

We weren’t planning any type of formal celebration for this small milestone, but ironically enough one of our homies, Kellie Corbett, decided to have her birthday dinner at The Hunt Room below The Cavalier. This is the same venue we took our wedding portraits at.

June 19, 2020 marked 6 months since we tied the knot!

It’s been a whirlwind since, but we’re finally getting around to closing out our wedding projects. We will be working with a production team to push out two big projects and we would love for you to be a part of them! Watch the video below to learn more.

Options for submitting photos and videos:

Deadline for submissions Sunday, August 30th
Production starts Friday, September 4th
Premiere date Saturday, December 19th

team JPMA