Mary Anne's 2023 pregnancy reveal to Joe

Mary Anne here to share the story of how I told Joe about our first pregnancy!

I found out about out 1st pregnancy on February 18, 2023 while Joe was on a trip with his friends. Around that time, we had been watching the anime, My Hero Academia. I preferred to watch the anime dubbed in english. So I came up with the idea to tell Joe I watched the Japanese version just to hear what the voices sounded like and that the subtitles had crazy translations.

I recorded the next episode that we had queued up and changed the subtitles to reveal I was pregnant. The scene worked surprisingly well and if you’re familiar with the characters’ personalities the script matched pretty well too.

A comparison of Joe and Mary Anne’s baby photos

One of the first things Joe noticed was the “bootleg” looking recording of the episode haha! Of course the app doesn’t let you screen record so I had to use my phone to record my iPad. He loved the reveal and was ecstatic about the news!

Unfortunately, we miscarried early on around 5 weeks or so. Everything happens for a reason though and we knew it would happen when the time was right. We did a bit more research about pregnancy and childbirth and then we decided to wait a while before trying again.

We gave it another shoot and found out we were pregnant the second time in November 2023 and are now due to deliver on July 22, 2024! She’ll be 1 of 4 babies born in 2024 on Joe’s Mom’s side (Santorum) of the family alone :)

team JPMA